Wednesday, May 09, 2007

More Surprises from God!

We're learning from Jesus' example that a prime way to love and reach people is to look for practical ways to serve them. Here are two recent stories:

  1. With the spring rain and sunshine comes high, green grass! One of my neighbors is going through a divorce and is a busy, single dad. I noticed that his grass needed I mowed it. I love mowing anyway and figured it might be a building block in my relationship with Maurice. He and I have enjoyed good initial interactions, even discussing religion, Jesus, and the Bible. I left a note letting him know what I had done and that I'd love to have breakfast or lunch sometime.

    A week or so later, I found this note in my mailbox. In part, it read: Dear Andy, I cannot say how touched I was to return home from a grueling trip for work, to find such a neighborly and friendly gesture. As I'm sure you know, times of divorce or separation can be very difficult periods of transition...I look forward to getting to know you and the family better!.

    I was so thankful to God for the opportunity to serve in this way and Maurice's positive reaction to my effort to encourage him in a practical way. It was a bit risky (sometimes people don't want help), but God worked it out well. Maurice and I are having breakfast tomorrow. Please pray for Maurice. Please pray that our time together will honor Jesus. Thank God with us for His work in this new friendship.

  2. A few weeks ago, we were saddened and concerned as one of our distant neighbors (a few houses down the street behind us) was violently assaulted in her home. By God's grace, this woman lives two houses down from some new friends of ours, Luke and Beth, who are faithful, godly members of another GBC. Luke and Beth quickly began looking for ways to minister to this woman.

    Beth networked a few of us together and sent the victim flowers at the hospital. Trish and I pitched in a little to help with the purchase and offered to help Luke and Beth minister to her in any way we could.

    Last night, we were pleasantly surprised when our doorbell rang. Guess who!? It was Mesirat, the woman who had been assaulted. She's doing much better, is healing emotionally, and was going around greeting and meeting those who had ministered to her through the flowers. She also had a friend with her. The four of us got to talking, and somehow our work came up. We mentioned that we are starting a new church. Mesirat told us that she attends a good local church and is also going to church with Beth and Luke this Sunday. Great! They asked where we would be meeting. We said, "Here." They said, "Let us know. We'll come!"

    I was really encouraged by this. I was impressed that Mesirat took the initiative to go around and thank people she didn't even know. Please pray that we can minister to these two ladies and work together for God's Kingdom.

Please praise God with us for His progressing work. It is exciting to see things working out that can only be God!

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