Monday, May 14, 2007

A Cool Way To Spend A Friday Night

Last Friday evening, I got home around 7p. from being gone all day. As I was getting out of my car, our neighbor, Jay, yelled over to me and invited our family to attend their son, Sebastian's, birthday party that evening. We quick got ready and headed over. Seth enjoys playing with Sebastian and talks about him frequently. This was the first time we've been invited into a neighbor's home in our neighborhood and were thrilled with the opportunity to get to know Jay's family, some of their friends and co-workers, and some of our neighbors better.

Please praise God with us for this opportunity to meet several new people. As I was sitting at their table...with kids yelling and playing all around us...surrounded by handfuls of people that don't know Jesus, my thought was, "God, thanks for opening up this door...this is what church planting/being a missionary is all about..." Please pray we would be a light for Jesus in our neighborhood and that these new relationships would lead our friends to a friendship with Jesus.

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