We enjoyed a visit with
CE National's 412 Commission (a group of college-age students on a year-long study of the Bible and real-life ministry experiences) yesterday.

This group of 12 students and three leaders helped Seth and I distribute over 2,000 fliers in about 6 neighborhoods surrounding ours. Our family was impacted by these high quality, godly, trained, and excellent young people. These are students that love God and many are dreaming of and training for a lifetime of service to God. It was exciting to see their enthusiasm for our work and the all-out effort they put into getting as many fliers out as possible and praying fervently as they walked (or ran!)... even though they have long days of study, travel, and ministry work.
Please pray with us that the fliers we distributed will be like seeds that God blows to fertile soil. 
Obviously, many will be tossed in the trash... but we're counting on God landing a few right in the hands of spiritually searching people OR people that could be teammates.
Pray for fruit! Thanks!
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