- Tonight we meet with a young couple that I met at New Albany's Oktoberfest. Pray we can be a blessing to them and that we would have skill in feeling out whether they could be potential team members.
CE National's 412 Commission (a group of college-age students on a year-long study of the Bible and ministry experiences) is joining us for an afternoon of ministry in our community on 10/31. We're unleashing a new door hanger targeted at finding team members. We've ordered 1,000 copies and are hoping to get these out (and more!) in local neighborhoods. Pray that as we canvass, these pieces will land on the doors of families God has appointed to help us launch a church.
- This Weds. evening (10/31) hundreds of trick-or-treaters will be coming to our door. We're going to try and serve coffee or hot-chocolate to as many parents as possible and give invitations to our meeting. Pray for some great conversations and contacts.
- On Saturday (11/3), we are hosting about 6 families from Seth's soccer team that I coached this fall for an end-of-season party. We'll play some games and eat some pizza...but what Trish and I are most trying to accomplish is to foster deeper connections with these families. Pray that they would see Jesus in us, that great conversations would take place, and that several would inquire about our work. Some of these families will be getting the door hanger (above) at their home this week...perhaps that could spark some good interaction.
- I have a request out to our local YMCA for permission to serve coffee to voters as vote on 11/8 (this YMCA is a polling station). Pray for receptivity among the Y's staff and that this might open a door for further partnership in contact making and community service ventures.
- We are continuing to send out fundraising letters...searching for churches to join us as partners. Pray that these letters land in willing hands and that God would reveal His sources for funding our 2008 ministry year.
Thanks for praying with us!
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