We're excited to report that the little life inside Trish appears, from all indicators (or lack there of!), to be a girl! This will help balance out the girl/boy ratio in the Wirt household! We're extremely thankful for our little men and looking forward to meeting the girl we've asked God for! The ultrasound showed healthy development to this point. We're thankful and excited! Praise God!

Trish & Andy & lil' boys:
We are so happy you are going to have a little girl!! What an answer to prayer. She is going to be so loved and she is going to have 2 awesome protectors in her brothers!! Awesome News!!
Love, Jeff & Kellie & the kids!
I'm sooooooo thrilled for you!!! She will be just as beautiful as Trish. Will we see you soon? Love, The Bush's
Praise God for your little blessing. I definately will be praying for you, as I know all about girls. LOL Hope your all doing great. God bless!!!
Heidi S.
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