Friday, October 05, 2007

Spiritual Movement...

I've been asking God for opportunities to share my faith. I've seen God answer this prayer in diverse ways in the last week or so...

  • A week ago I followed up on a contact from a fellow Columbus GBC pastor. I called (let's call him...) Tim and we talked a bit. Long story short, he shared that he's struggling in many areas of his life. I drove about 15 minutes to pick him up and bring him back to our Thursday gathering. I think he enjoyed himself and I'm so pleased with our group/team and how they welcome new people. They really understand what it means to accept new...and even different... people. On the way home, we talked through the elements of the Gospel. Tim believes in Jesus...but also a lot of other things that even contradict John 14:6. A typical post-modern, 25 year old, Tim kind of has a synchretistic view of theology. We had a great discussion and I was thankful to be able to affirm him as a person while challenging his other-than-biblical worldview. Hopefully we'll see Tim again.
  • A few nights ago a neighbor walked over. I've intiated conversations with (let's call him) Joe on numerous occasions. I've found him cautiously friendly but a little distant. He came over and we talked about our patio and some work related stuff. Out of the blue (to me... not to God!) he said something to the effect of, "I've been talking with a friend at work about God. He's giving me some passages to read from the Bible and I've really been making some changes in my life." As I picked myself off the floor...God gave me the opportunity to really celebrate God's work in Joe's life. We talked about the best Bible translation to pick up and I offered to talk any time. I'm going to try and follow up with Joe. Would you pray with me that God would open a door for continued relationship and confirmation of belief in Jesus?
  • Silas and I were shopping for a raffle prize for our free raffle at the Oktoberfest (we landed on an iPod Shuffle). We're hoping to get hundreds of contacts/addresses to expand our mailing list. In the Best Buy parking lot was a "vegetable-oil powered bus" inhabited by some very friendly, young envrionmentalists that are criss-crossing the country. My little evangelist wanted to see the we want over and started a conversation. They showed us the bus and we had a pleasant conversation. After exchanging business cards, I offered to take them home and allow them to use our shower. I know this sounds foolish in our (sometimes) overly skeptical society...but I really think the Holy Spirit told me to offer hospitality. They had an appointment they needed to get I couldn't carry on the conversation. As I thought back on this, I was thankful God pushed me to just be friendly and kind. I'm sure these fine young people and I would disagree on much politically...but I sure hope they saw me as a pastor who was kind and a positive representation of Jesus. Who knows...maybe they'll be back in town someday and we can have them over.

Please pray with me that God continues to teach me how to share His love and grace wisely and boldly. With all my heart I want to used of God to lead people Jesus and help others lead people to Jesus.

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