Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Some Godworks For July 4th!

I'm stoked (not a word I usually use...and probably too outdated to be "cool"...but its how I feel so seemed appropriate!) about Friday (July 4th). In short, ClearView is walking in New Albany's parade that a.m. and serving at the pre-fireworks festival that evening. This is New Albany's largest annual event and event planners are estimating 20,000-30,000 people in the town center area that evening.

Some praise notes:
  • God is bringing together plenty of help for our efforts. I was concerned about this because several of our families are out of town. But, our team is stepping up to the plate big-time and God is bringing new friends to us that are willing to help...some that I just met at Driven this past weekend. Amazing.
  • We have the opportunity to serve our city while communicating about ClearView. We will be loaning out 5 people to events planners to help organize the parade participants that morning AND I just found out that two of our people will have the opportunity to carry the LEAD New Albany banner along the parade route! It has been so fun to serve those in charge of these events. They are not accustomed to people offering to serve unsolicited...I love that we can do that and meet a need in Jesus' name.
  • We'll be one of the main attractions for kids and families at the festival that runs before the fireworks. We have some free giveaways and will be doing face-painting, tattoos, colored hair spray, crafts, etc. Should be fun and a GREAT opportunity to interact with many families.
God has truly given us favor in the lead up to this big day. I praise Him for this. My heart is full of thanksgiving. Would you pray God would use us to touch many lives for Jesus and lead us to teammates?

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