Monday, July 13, 2009

Special Announcement!


ClearView is excited to host Operation Barnabas (a traveling team of high school students) on July 24 and 25. The team will be helping us tell people in the New Albany and Gahanna communities about ClearView during each day and then putting on two programs- one on Friday evening, July 24 and one on Saturday evening, July 25. Both programs are at 7 p. Friday's will be in Gahanna at the Creekside Rotary Stage. Saturday's will be at Wexner Community Park in New Albany. Each program will feature FREE sno-cones, popcorn, games, and a program featuring puppets clowns and singing. This will be a FUN NIGHT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY.

If you are in the Columbus area (or want to make the trip!) PLEASE JOIN US AT ONE OF THESE EVENTS. If you can't make it, please PRAY THAT OPERATION BARNABAS WILL HELP CLEARVIEW LOVE AND SERVE OUR COMMUNITY WELL.

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