Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Important Meeting

On June 30, we hosted our first ever ClearView team leaders meeting at our house. This was a connection time for those that are championing each one of our key areas:
  • Wow Factor (guest relations)
  • KidView (children's ministry)
  • Community Impact
  • Sunday Morning (teaching, music, audio/visual)
  • Set-up/Tear-down
  • Administration
We have identified these 6 areas as critical components for a successful grand opening. One of the main tasks of beginning a church is finding people to drive these areas and developing simple systems to help us impact people through these components.

At this initial meeting, we enjoyed visionizing around the concept and importance of our launch or Grand Opening Celebrations. We used the illustration of a flower (plentiful with landscaping around our patio...where the meeting took place). Before it blooms and displays it's beauty- it has to be planted, take root, be watered, and grow to the point it is ready to open up and impact those who smell it and see it. A new church is like that flower-- we are in the stage of putting the people and systems in place to be ready to bloom. We also updated each other on what was happening in our respective areas, what needs had yet to be met, and prayed together about these needs. We closed with some homework. Each team leader is to:
  • Find someone to partner with them as an apprentice in their area. We want to be about reproduction.
  • Gather their team for a time of vision, discussion, and improvement in their area sometime in July.
  • Recruit some of our newer people to join your team.
I also asked our leaders to pray about some key questions I'm asking. Namely, are we in the right location (YMCA?)? Should we adjust our service time? How do we deal with storage issues (trailer?)? If you'd like to pray about these important questions with us, we're seeking wisdom from the Lord in these areas. Thanks! Please also pray for these important people on our team- that God would use us to successfully launch ClearView Church.

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