Sometimes I also ask for signs of His movement. Probably a bit foolish...because He is moving whether or not He chooses to allow me to see. But, I long to see evidence of His blessing and presence with us. Faith us defined by moving forward with trust even if you CAN'T see...but I still like to see! :) So, this past Saturday I spent much time in prayer just asking God for evidence of His work on Sunday. I just wanted to SEE something happening.
Sunday came and there was much to praise the Lord about! Again- God is good whether or not He chooses to show His work to me...but I like to see! Here is what I saw Sunday:
- A full room at ClearView...even though it is summer and many are traveling.
- A "Yes" from a couple I have been recruiting to join our team. They will be a BIG help to our effort to prepare for Grand Opening in October.
- A good response to our July series: God and Country. I challenged our people on Sunday to envision themselves...the the greatest hope for real change in America. Our people were/are energized by this challenge.
- A friend mentioned praying about a sizable donation to ClearView. This would move us forward in launch planning and maybe even be seed money for future church plants. Exciting. Pray they say "Yes!" :)