Incidentally- the weather gave us great opportunities for beginning connections. Due to so many being outside to shovel snow and ice throughout the week, I got to meet Steve, Maurice and his daughter Raden, Cathy and Greg, and Tommy. I'm thankful to God for this odd weather and the chance to meet so many when people would normally be inside.

Otherwise, our last 10 days or so have been filled with all the joys of moving- unpacking, moving heavy stuff back and forth 13 times as you try and get it in the right place, hanging pictures (which I usually hang 5 times before they are in the right place!) taking plenty of breaks to play with kids, change diapers, clean up throw-up, etc. Fun, fun, fun! Seriously, we constantly remind ourselves why we moved- and are continually challenged and excited by God's call on our lives and the work ahead of us.
We've also been able to begin making connections with our new (sending) church family. The staff at Northwest Chapel has been extremely helpful and welcoming, for which we are grateful. Trish has also enjoyed the opportunity to attend a monthly mom's gathering and is on a women's retreat with the church as I write.
A continual challenge for us physically, spiritually, and emotionally, is Silas' health. He does seem to be recovering well from pneumonia he had a few weeks ago, but now is again throwing up and having diarrhea regularly. He also went through a long bout of this type of stomach issues around the Holidays. We're not sure what the issues are but are watching him closely for dehydration and praying God spares him from elongated sickness. Please pray with us for healing.
That's a brief (?) update. We are ready to roll. Please pray with us for God's great work. We're asking for wisdom to do the right things in the right time- for God's glory. Pray that God would help us take advantage of every opportunity He gives us to be a light for Him. Pray with us for a healthy baby church to move from embryonic to birth stages in the next 18 months. We appreciate you so much!
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