The last 4 weeks have been ones of much change for our family. We're learning that following God is fulfilling (we know we're being obedient), exciting (there's never a dull moment as we wait for answers to prayer on a daily basis) and challenging (everything won't be easy even if we're being obedient). God is building our faith and honing our character. We're thankful for both.
One big curve-ball was learning that we couldn't rent from the purchaser of our home until we found other housing in the Columbus area. So...we hustled and rented a storage facility (picture below) in Columbus, rented a truck, and moved everything there--all within a week.
God has also brought many blessings our way. Thanks for praying! Praise God with us that:
- We found a house and God has worked out several issues!
- Grace Church (Macedonia, OH) and Northwest Chapel (Dublin, OH) provided so much help in moving that we loaded the first truck and cleaned our house in less than an hour, unloaded that truck at storage in 45 minutes, loaded another truck that night in an hour and unloaded this last load in less than a half hour. THANKS EVERYONE!
- Trish's parents, Jim and Janet Botdorf, are allowing us to stay with them until we can get in our house (2/12). Thanks Botdorfs!
Please Pray With Us...
- That God would work out some last minute snags related to our new home and closing so that we can get in on the date scheduled (2/12).
- That God would again provide sufficient help in moving our things from storage and into the new home so that we can unpack quickly and get to work!
- That God would help us through the transitions we're making (moving, unpacking, lack of routine, making new friends, learning a new area, etc).
- That God would be glorified by first interactions with people in our target area.
- That God would give guidance and wisdom as we continue to dream and record the vision, mission, values, and strategy of a new church.
- That God would prepare and lead us to those that will join us as Launch Team members and help with worship, children, and small group ministries.
- That God would prepare hearts of people that we will come in contact with. Pray that hearts would be focused on Jesus and His mission.
Matthew 6:19-34 takes on new meaning...
I've been challenged recently that much of our focus, planning, and communication has involved issues related to selling and finding housing and moving stuff. While this is a real part of life, God warns us to be wary of placing too much importance on things that hold only earthly significance. As we transition to Columbus and work on all that involves, we've felt God reminding us that what truly matters is storing up "treasures in heaven". To us, this means investing in work of eternal significance. The work that must be of utmost importance is the effort that leads to focusing people on Jesus and His mission for their lives. When our focus is there...and not primarily on where we live and store our junk...we're excited to embrace God's promise in Matthew 6:33. Check it out and be encouraged!
God Answers Again! Last month, we asked you to pray that God would lead us to the RIGHT home in our target area 1) that would afford us ministry opportunities AND 2) that we can afford. God answered in a big way! After almost giving up and then sensing God leading us to look further, we found this home. It is in a growing shopping area with New Albany schools, Gahanna zip code, and right across the street from the Westerville school line. God put us right in the center of our target zone! Thanks, Lord! And, THANK YOU for praying!
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