Wednesday, February 25, 2009

To Trash Or To Fix?

That's the question we're trying to answer about our 1999 Pontiac Montana mini-van. We found out a few days ago that it's afflicted with a blown head gasket. That means squat to me in terms of mechanical function... but I know enough to know that it does mean significant $ from our tight finances! Fortunately, we have a local friend that could do the fix for hundreds less than a commercial shop...but still...we're in that unenviable position of "do you fix a 10 year old vehicle that has loads of small problems and has 130,000 miles on it"? The upside of fixing it is that, if it even lasted one year longer, it would be much cheaper than one year of car payments. So...I think we are leaning towards fixing but are nauseous at the thought of putting big money into an older vehicle.

If you would, pray God would give us wisdom to make the smartest choice and make provision for whatever He leads us to do. Thanks!

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