Saturday, February 07, 2009

Isolation, Day 2

I took the boys over two times today to see Trish, briefly. As long as we don't touch her, stay about 6 feet away, and don't spend a long time in the same room, we are aloud to see her. That meant a lot to all of us. Trish felt pretty crummy most of the day with extreme weakness and upset stomach (periods of nausea and just plain uncomfortable). She's having difficulty getting good sleep. However, she is developing incredible prowess on Facebook (send a friend request to Tricia Wirt) and is enjoying keeping in touch with the outside world through that medium.

Please keep praying-- for good rest, for good spirits (it is torture for her to not have stimulation from live conversation with other people), and healing. Thanks to everyone that has sent her an e-mial or posted something on her wall (Facebook). Two milestones are upcoming- she can resume normal diet tomorrow night and come home on Tuesday morning.

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