Monday, August 11, 2008

FREE Promo. For ClearView!

God has opened another phenomenal opportunity for us to promote ClearView church...FREE! A few weeks ago, I was contacted "out of the blue" by one of our local AM Christian radio stations (WRFD 880 AM, Columbus) and asked if I would be willing to be featured as one of their "pastors of the week" in August. Easy question! The opportunity for ClearView is this- one of the benefits of this program is that I was interviewed for 5 separate 3.5 minute spots that will air each day this week (respectively) at 3p. Each spot features several mentions of ClearView's website and information about our weekend gatherings at the YMCA. PRAISE GOD!

In their promotional material, WRFD mentions that up to 40% of their audience does not attend a local church. WOULD YOU PRAY WITH US THAT GOD WOULD USE THESE RADIO SPOTS THIS WEEK TO CONNECT US WITH UNCHURCHED PEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITY?!

To listen in, feel free to check out WRFD's "Pastor Of The Week" link. Scroll down until you see my picture and the ClearView logo and then click on each day of the week. Pray as you listen! Thanks!

1 comment:

Keri Bush said...

Yah whooooooo!