Thursday, February 14, 2008

What's God Up To?

We had an interesting gathering tonight. One of the couples that has been dedicated to our work and been wonderful and faithful friends to the Wirts communicated with our team that they sense God leading them to conclude their time with ClearView. I had been prepared for this discussion by a phone conversation with the husband earlier in the I'm thankful that God allowed some time for Trish and I to process. Their reasoning for moving on was that they sensed God leading them to continue in some meaningful ministry opportunities at another church.

Tonight we listened to this couple share their hearts and communicated back that we love them, will miss them, and that we're thankful for their time with us. They were very faithful over the last 9 months in a time where we've struggled to grow. They have filled valuable roles in ministry experiences, gatherings, and by being encouragers. We're thankful for them.

Yet, obviously, this is a bit of a set-back for us. One of our major obstacles right now is finding the bodies to yield a sense of momentum that will propel us toward weekend gatherings, renting a space for public worship, and ultimately launching a new church. We're not really in a position to lose people right now. So, what is God up to?

I can't get a way from the hopeful feeling in my heart. I believe God for something special this year. I'm not sure how what seems to be a set-back to me fits in... but it must be part of God's perfect plan. He certainly is not doing this how I would have scripted...or even hoped... but I know He is doing something. And, I know this is for the best...even if it seems like an obstacle.

Would you pray with us that God would replace this couple with numerous others? Would you pray with us for wisdom in how to proceed and for me in how to lead with vision and hope? Would you pray with us that God would protect other team members from discouragement? What's God up to? I don't know. But, I do have peace that it's the perfect plan...

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