Saturday, February 10, 2007

Silas Is Improving and WALKING!

We had a day full of driving and adventure yesterday as we went to Columbus to sign papers on our new home, came back to Mansfield to pick Silas up, and then drove to Cleveland for doctors appointments for Silas and Seth (who also has a bad cough and an ear infection). We returned to Mansfield last night. All in all, the kids did well, despite being sick.

God is so amazing in how He allows challenges and then couples those trials with fun and exciting things. Silas is responding to medication and breathing treatments and is doing better. The doctor confirmed pneumonia but said his lungs are much clearer and was pleased with everything else. Silas has maintained his smiley demeanor and is a lot of fun even while being sick. Not only is he a happy little guy, but he is also becoming braver and is connecting more and more steps together while walking between safe items. It is a joy to watch him develop and conquer new things even while he is sick.

THANKS FOR PRAYING! We have been overwhelmed by the response of so many praying for Silas and our important day yesterday. God is working. Please continue to pray for the health of Silas AND Seth, our wisdom in caring for them, and that God would help us persevere through the grueling week that next week (moving from storage to our house) will be.

We appreciate you and your faithful prayer.

1 comment:

Keri Bush said...

Praise God! We will still be praying for you all. Love you guys, The Bush Family