Tuesday, November 14, 2006

3 Ways To Pray- November 14

Thanks for praying with us! Here are three immediate prayer requests for our family:

  • Silas has been sick with something that leads to diarrhea. His little butt is so red he shakes and cries when we clean him. Please pray that his system will get back to normal, that he'd be more comfortable, and that we would be able to keep enough fluids in him that he wouldn't become dehydrated.
  • We have a realtor coming to our home this evening to officially list it as "For Sale." We've been trying...and hoped to sell it by owner...but that has not occurred. Our prayer goal was to go it on our own for 4 weeks. Since we haven't even gotten one phone call (except a guy who wanted to know what program I made the flier in!), it's time to get moving. Pray that Linda (our realtor) can move the house quickly and that these plans would fit into whatever God is doing towards moving us to our next location.
  • We're nearing a decision on the location for the new church we believe God is leading us to plant. There are many factors involved in this decision. If you'd like to know more, please feel free to call or e-mail (andywirt@mac.com or 330.468.5087). Pray for wisdom, clarity, and faith.

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