Many of you know that Trish and I moved to northeast Columbus in February of 2007 with a mission- start a new church from scratch. As we've prayed and worked hard to plug into the community, we've met a lot of great people along the way. Through a lot of prayer and sweat, God has brought together a really, really great team that drives what is now ClearView Church. We're so excited and thankful for the people that now share our mission of building a church that will love people to a clear view of Jesus and His mission.
On a quick side note- many of you have been reading this blog and praying with us from the point we first signed on as church starters (fall of 2006!). If you remember back to some of our early writing... we asked you to pray that God would bring us 25 families or around 75 people. This was the mark at which we felt we would be able to launch a new church with momentum. Yet, we found out the hard way that finding that number of families or people to help in a community where you don't know anyone... was next to impossible. This has been the great challenge of our journey- finding the number of people necessary to establish the initial systems of a healthy, baby church. Anyway- fast forward two and a half years. How many family units do you think are actively involved at ClearView? 25 :)

- That God would lead spiritually seeking people to our Grand Opening event.
- That God would move in the hearts of people the ClearView team is personally inviting.
- That God would answer the prayers that have been prayed for many years by hundreds of people around the world for ClearView’s Grand Opening.
- That God would be honored by our hearts and all that happens on October 11.
- That God would use us to love people to a clear view of Jesus and His mission.
- That God would burden us with a continued excitement and challenge over the call to love people to Jesus and figure out how to develop missionaries in our context (no matter what does or doesn't happen on 10/11…this is our mission).
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