Last week, Seth "graduated" from Kindergarten. His class was part of a multi-class performance and then they read each graduates name and the teachers gave out certificates to each child. The ceremony was followed by a reception for kids and parents in Seth's classroom. It was really fun for us to celebrate this milestone with Seth.
We have much to be thankful for in Seth's first year in New Albany schools.

He had a good, safe year of learning and social growth. In God's perfect sovereignty, He provided a GREAT teacher for Seth who, as it turns out, grew up in a sister church of ours. She cared for Seth well and brought the best out of him. God also gave Seth some great friends. It has been fun to watch him develop relationships with his classmates, and especially three other boys that have been affectionately dubbed "the posse". We have enjoyed connecting with the parents of children in Seth's class at birthday parties and school functions.
As we look back on it, sending Seth to public school was a real tension point for us.

We want him to grow up knowing how to build relationships with diverse people of any faith. We also want him to have the foundation of a biblical worldview. Anyone that parents with these values knows the tension of how to balance what happens at home, with school, with church, etc. to do the best you can as a parent to produce a kid that loves God and loves people. It is a challenge...maybe one of the greatest as a parent. We know the environments we choose to allow Seth to spend time in are key to his development. All that being said, we are so thankful that God gave him, and us, a great year in Kindergarten.
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