Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ClearView Father's Day Talk

We haven't figured out the best way to podcast the talks at our weekly worship gatherings... so I'll settle for posting the manuscript I spoke off of here. This was a fun message to put together...because it is straight out of my heart on what God is teaching me about being a parent. I'm completely imperfect...but God is shaping me and this talk is what I want to become. I encouraged anyone present that influences children (biological or spiritual) to do the same.

Take a minute and see what you think: 3 Traits Of A Great Parent.

Have Some Fun AND Make An Impact on July 4th!

Just wanted to let you know about a super opportunity to have fun and put a smile on people's faces in New Albany!

ClearView will be assisting the New Albany Events team with the parade on the morning of July 4th and then handing out toys to children along the parade route (10:30a.-Noon). That evening, we'll be serving kids and families at the pre-fireworks festival with free face-painting, colored hair spray, crafts, and balloons (6p.-dusk). Fireworks follow the festival.

Would you be able to help us at the parade? Festival? Both? Please let me know (post a comment here or e-mail: I'd be glad to get you more details...and I have a free t-shirt with your name on it for helping!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Want To Know What We're Up To This Summer?

On June 14, I shared my heart with our group in our worship gathering. God laid some specific things on my heart that I feel we should be concerned with this summer. When you have a moment, take a look, and pray with us for God's great movement. Thanks!

Talk: A Vision For Summer (ClearView Church 2009)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fun Way To End The Year

We got a whim early last week- it was something like- "Let's host an end of year celebration party" for Seth's Kindergarten friends. So, we put together a list of every kindergartner we know- neighborhood, kids I've coached in the past, Seth's class, etc. and invited them to a party at our house last Friday evening. We want to try and create opportunities to expand our friendships with people and serve people in whatever way we can. The end of a great year seemed like a good gathering point.

It was a fun evening! About 10 families came out...almost 40 people. We did a cookout, played some games, and ended the evening with some Sm ores. It was so fun to see all the kids playing together, mostly classmates, and parents connecting. God is good and has blessed us with the opportunity to get to know some great people in our community!

We Have A Graduate!

Last week, Seth "graduated" from Kindergarten. His class was part of a multi-class performance and then they read each graduates name and the teachers gave out certificates to each child. The ceremony was followed by a reception for kids and parents in Seth's classroom. It was really fun for us to celebrate this milestone with Seth.

We have much to be thankful for in Seth's first year in New Albany schools. He had a good, safe year of learning and social growth. In God's perfect sovereignty, He provided a GREAT teacher for Seth who, as it turns out, grew up in a sister church of ours. She cared for Seth well and brought the best out of him. God also gave Seth some great friends. It has been fun to watch him develop relationships with his classmates, and especially three other boys that have been affectionately dubbed "the posse". We have enjoyed connecting with the parents of children in Seth's class at birthday parties and school functions.

As we look back on it, sending Seth to public school was a real tension point for us. We want him to grow up knowing how to build relationships with diverse people of any faith. We also want him to have the foundation of a biblical worldview. Anyone that parents with these values knows the tension of how to balance what happens at home, with school, with church, etc. to do the best you can as a parent to produce a kid that loves God and loves people. It is a challenge...maybe one of the greatest as a parent. We know the environments we choose to allow Seth to spend time in are key to his development. All that being said, we are so thankful that God gave him, and us, a great year in Kindergarten.