Last Sunday (5/3) was a real joy! ClearView celebrated it's first baptism. We baptized three people...of varying ages and with unique stories of how they came to follow Jesus. It was a thrill for me to see us carrying on an important function as Christ-followers- seeing people publicly express their faith by being immersed in water (meaning of baptism). Baptism is special because it is more than a ceremony or is a physical means of obeying Jesus that doubles as a symbol of a powerful spiritual reality- heart transformation!

The first person ever baptized at ClearView is Kayla (13). She is a special young lady that visibly loves Jesus and others. It was a joy to have her family with us to witness this special day. Kayla shared that she was facing some deep challenges in her young life when her mom, Melissa, explained to her about Jesus' love and forgiveness for her. She has been learning to follow Jesus ever since.
Patrick came to know Jesus in his mid thirties. I had lunch with him the week before and was thrilled to hear his story.

Patrick is a deep thinker and God used some key friends in his life and the writings of people like C.S.Lewis (
Mere Christianity) to answer significant faith questions and lead him to a point where one night, he simply couldn't sleep. Patrick knew he needed Jesus to forgive him and lead his life, so he got up in the middle of the night and cried out to God, inviting Jesus into His heart. Patrick and his wife, Anne, have become an integral part of our ClearView team and it was a joy for me to play a small part in his spiritual journey by baptizing him.

Sunday was also a thrill for Trish and I in that I got to baptize Seth! He has been asking us to be baptized for months. After talking with him more about it and seeing him grasp what it means to be baptized and why we do it, Trish and I decided he was ready to take this step in his spiritual journey. Jesus commended a child-like faith and we see this in Seth. From the perspective of a six-year-old, he fully understands who Jesus is, what Jesus did, his need for Jesus' forgiveness. It was fun to see his faith symbolized by him being baptized and I am so happy that I got to do it! :)
Praise God with us for this good day at ClearView. And, pray with us, that God would continue to shape Kayla, Patrick, and Seth into His followers and ambassadors. Thanks!
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