Yesterday it happened again! A whole bunch of bizarre events that you almost have to laugh at to keep sane (after you get done screaming in frustration!). We had just gotten home from a great morning at ClearView and were getting lunch together. The boys were messing around on the bench we use for them to sit at our table. Somehow Seth was on the bench and Silas was climbing onto it and all of a sudden there was this loud crash. I was in the basement, heard it from there, and knew it wasn't good. The bench had fallen on Silas' (shoeless!) foot. Instantaneously, Silas was screaming and Trish, first to the scene, was calling for back up.

I ran upstairs to find Silas' sock red with blood in the "great" toe area. When I took off his sock to run water over the affected area, I knew what I saw was not good. So, we, for the third time in about a year (with Silas!), grabbed Silas, ran to the van, and hurried to the Children's Hospital Urgent Care in Westerville. We thank God for this place and the help they have been to our family it times of great stress and concern for our kids. Fortunately, by God's grace, Katie was home and could stay with Seth and Sara. Long story short, after three hours in the Urgent Care, we brought Silas home with 9 stitches in this toe and a diagnosis that includes a fracture and a probable tendon tear. To add to the joy of the day, when we got home, I couldn't find my wallet for two hours and Silas, potty-training, had an accident and soaked the dressing on his toe/foot and the boot he has to wear with urine. We've heard that if you're lost in the wilderness and you have an open wound, the best thing to do is pee on it-- the acid helps in cleansing. However, we weren't in the wilderness and were successfully able to change the dressing and re-cleanse the wound.
What in the world! How can so many things to wrong in such a short span of time? All you can do is laugh...and be so thankful that the God we follow and serve and TRUST has a perfect plan.
Thanks for your prayers for our family- please pray for Silas for pain management (which has been going well, so far) and complete healing. We have to follow up with an orthopedic surgeon later this week. Please pray for Trish also as I am scheduled to be out of town this week for 3 days. Pray God brings help for her and that the kids are extra good for mom. Thanks!
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