Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Progress Report: Trish

Thanks to so many that have prayed for Trish and supported our family in so many ways. We've been so blessed by so many- people have sent cards, helped with kids, given gift cards, set up play dates for our kids, called, e-mailed, sent Facebook messages, etc. THANKS!

Since my last blog post, Trish has:
  • Finished the treatment regimen for thyroid cancer, including a 4-day period of isolation while undergoing radio-iodine treatment.
  • Resumed taking thyroid medication...very important for normal functioning!
  • Undergone a final, full-body scan to determine the effectiveness of the treatment process (we don't have the results from this test yet).
  • Maintained very positive spirits...
Now onto recovery...from everything she has read and talked with others about, it will take a good 4-6 weeks until she begins to feel "normal" again. She continues to have periods of great weariness...but her stamina improves a bit each day.

So, thanks for praying. And, please keep praying. We'll get final test results sometime this week and, Lord willing, will celebrate all cancer gone. Please pray that Trish will feel stronger than ever and continue to sense God strengthening her body.


Kraig McNutt said...

You guys are real troopers. I pray God's meets you with his grace in every way through every means.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you always. Dave and Heidi

GW said...

Andy, I didn't know your wife is battling cancer. She'll be in my prayers - your whole family, too. Let us know how she's doing when you stop by the Bou.