Hi faithful prayer friends. Please keep praying for Trish. She is recovering nicely...just tired and sore. However, we did find out today that her thyroid (removed on Monday) WAS cancerous. Lymph nodes around the thyroid that were also removed WERE NOT cancerous. So, there is good news:
We know surgery was the right thing to do and are thankful that God provided a quality surgeon to do her thryroidechtomy quickly.
This sort of cancer is highly treatable due to surgery and treatment options. Her surgeon seems to feel strongly that complete cure is quite likely with medicine she will begin taking soon.
Obviously, the bad news is that cancer is cancer and no one wants this. Please pray for:
- Wisdom for Dr. Tallo (endocrinologist) and Dr. Sivard (surgeon/endocrinologist) as they devise Trish's treatment plan.
- Complete healing.
- Peace for Trish and our family.
Thank for praying. I believe God that "the works of God (will be) displayed in (Trish)" as He heals her (see John 9:3b, ESV).
I'm praying for all of you!!!!!!
We will be praying for everyone!
Praying praying praying for you guys, and for complete healing and peace for you guys. Rest secure in our Father's loving arms!
We'll be praying for you.
My heart is aching. We will pray diligently. Blessings to you all. Trish, we must talk soon. Love to all ---Kristen, for the Grays
Praying for you guys
We are praying for Trish, and for your whole family.
I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. I will be absolutely praying for your family.
I'm so sorry. We are praying for you. I wear my Praying for Abbey bracelet everyday, and I just wrote Trish's name in permenent marker onto the bracelet. I love you guys.
Praying friends. We've had 2 friends go through this in the past 2 years. I'd love to connect you with these friends so you can talk doctors, treatment options, etc....ONLY if you're interested. Love to you.
Dearest Trish & Andy,
We will continue to pray for you! We are so sorry to hear that it was cancerous. We know how scary and shocking it is to hear those words, but we also know that God will carry you through this time. We are praying for a peace for you as we have felt through what seems like the impossible. Please know that we love you and you will continually be in our thoughts and prayers.
With much love,
The Colberts
Trish and Andy,
I will be praying, for all of you, especially you Trish. Thank God you opted to have the surgery and that its treatable. You will continually be in my prayers.
God bless you!
Hi Andy and Trish! We are behind you 100% in prayer. We serve and AWESOME God and he will make everything right. We'll prayer for all of your strength.
Hi Trish and Andy
As you both know well, I have been where you are now. Yes...it is very frightening but I can attest to the power of God's grace He bestows on those who are afflicted.Please know I am praying for all of you.
Love and prayers...Roseann
Dear Andy & Trish: I will be keeping you both in my prayers. May you feel the love and peace from all your sisters and brothers in Christ.
Hi Andy & Trish,
We're in AZ right now, so know that prayers are going up for your family from out here, too! Blessings, Tim & Donna
I will be praying for you and Trish, and have added her to my MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) leadership prayer chain. I believe in the healing power of our Lord.
~Shawna Lee
Trish and Andy
Having battled cancer two years ago I know the emotions you are facing. I know the power of prayer and the healing that only the Lord can provide. Make your prayers specfic and allow us to know those specific so we too can pray for God's intervention. I will be praying that you receive the same healing I received two years ago. Rest in the strength that only our Lord can provide. - Kirk
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