Tuesday, July 01, 2008

"Big Give" Turns Out HUGE For ClearView!

I was elated on Saturday (6/28) as 56 participants from the Driven Conference assisted ClearView with contact making in the New Albany and Gahanna areas. In a nut shell, the concept was this: each person was given $10, formed into groups of 5, and then each group was challenged to creatively invest their collective $50 to make as many contacts for ClearView as possible.

I'll be honest... I didn't expect that many of these fantastic young adults to participate. This event was held during their afternoon free time, and they could have just as easily headed to the gym, took a nap, or enjoyed some time with new friends. Yet, in the end, most of the conference participants served in the Big Give in some way. Groups decided on their own what to do- some bought water, others Popsicles, one group even included some treats for dogs. Then they found places where people were gathered (ball parks, shopping centers, YMCA, etc.), smiled, and gave out the free stuff with ClearView information attached.

I had the privilege of hearing their stories when they returned. I praised God as I heard stories of groups that worked as a team, people that persevered when they were persecuted, and young people that stepped out of their comfort zone. Some groups were able to pray with people they encountered and many, many people were blessed. I'm sure at least 500 ClearView info. pieces were given out!

I was blessed to interact with these young people and so excited about their work for Jesus and ClearView in our community. Two neat stories:
  1. I got a note from one of my friends and contacts at the YMCA sharing about how blessed they were to have one of the Big Give groups there washing windows and taking out trash, etc. I've been sharing Jesus with this friend and it was so neat to hear his excitement over these young people.
  2. Another group was buying ice cream for people in downtown New Albany. They ended up buying a cone for the neighbors that live behind us. I've shared Jesus with the husband of this family and the daughter was impacted by our Bible Club last year. We've been inviting them repeatedly to our gatherings. It was so great to have them blessed by someone else as well!

Praise God for the Big Give. Please pray that this effort would translate into guests at our first few gatherings at the YMCA (beginning this Sunday, July 6) and that God would continue to form ClearView's launch team.

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