We faced a bit of a set back when the turn out from our youth group friends was not what we thought it might be. However, we forged ahead, confident that God had something planned for the day. All in all, the youth group and our family had wonderful interaction in the community. Even though we didn't make as many contacts as we hoped to, the exciting part was that many people were home and we even had conversations with numerous people who said they were looking for a church or would check the website. Most important of all, we put smiles on a lot of people's faces in Jesus' name. I'm so thankful for the vision of this youth pastor, his perseverance, and his desire to help us move forward in ministry. Thanks, Mark!
Now...the challenge is that we've still got almost 900 packets to get out before warm weather hits... and we need to make those 900 contacts for the progress of our ministry. Want to help? :)
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