I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and New Year season. We enjoyed a trip to Pennsylvania to visit family. Highlights were seeing most of my family, sharing about our ministry with the New Beginnings Grace Brethren Church (Myerstown, PA), and driving the remaining 50 miles to Columbus (on our return trip) with the passenger's side window down. Long story...but the short version is that it broke and we couldn't get it back up! I don't think any of us have been that cold in a while. But, praise God it wasn't raining or snowing and could have been much colder.
Needless to say...with that part of our adventure and a tiring week of travel...Silas is sick AGAIN and struggling with a terrible cough and cold. Please pray for healing. He feels miserable and the medicine/breathing treatments he's on make all of us miserable!
Now, 2008 is moving forward. What a year it will be. Our hearts are full of anticipation of what God has planned. I've never been more excited at the beginning of a new year... our family is growing, we're trusting God for a new church to be born, and countless answers to prayer await. The challenges will be great...but nothing in comparison to God's provision. Thanks for praying with us! Hebrews 11:1.
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