As you know, it has been our goal for several months now to see 5 families, in addition to our own, committed to the vision of meeting together regularly with the goal of forming a church. To realize this goal, we really need 2 more families.
In an effort to grow our group, we've changed our meeting time to better accommodate people's schedules that we are reaching out to. We're praying actively for God to move. We're inviting new people all the time. In fact, I committed to our group that I would personally contact at least 20 families. I'm about 3/4 through my list and changing/adding to it all the time. The others in our group are also looking for opportunities to invest and invite. Please pray that people would respond to our invitations and check out one of our gatherings. We're trying to do what is within our control to grow our group.
For whatever reason, God is moving slowly in this area. That's His prerogative. He's the One with the perfect plan and timing. I like to think I know what needs to happen and when...but church planting seems to be a tool in God's hands that gently hammers (like that image!) my pride. Or, maybe God just wants us to keep trusting Him and keep working. This is what walking by faith and NOT BY sight is all about.
Please pray with us that God would move by revealing people/families (seekers or saved) willing to journey with us towards beginning a new church in northeastern Franklin County.
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