I just sent an introductory e-mail to soccer parents for our new season, Fall 07. As I was writing, I realized I had forgotten to add this season as a prayer request in our prayer update that I sent out yesterday. Please pray with me that our contacts with these 8 families would be positive and honoring to Jesus. Pray that we would be sensitive to spiritual movement in people's lives and be used by Jesus to move people towards Him. Pray also for Seth, in his first soccer season and for me as I learn how to be Dad AND coach! :) Thanks!
Andy- I wish you were our soccer coach! It sounds like you really take an interest in each family, not just playing the game.
I have not gotten the prayer letter. Maybe you don't have the right email on there? Trish has the new email- same as before, but at verizon.net.
Thanks! I will be praying for you!
Hey Jenny,
I've got a deal for you- you and Joel and the kids move down to Columbus and help us with a church plant. In return, I'd be glad to coach Claire's soccer team! Sound like a deal?
I'll try and get your updated e-mail and get you back our our list. Thanks for praying for us and checking the blog regularly!
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