I'm contemplating this question this week. My response comes out of the sense of energy and excitement I drew from the meeting we enjoyed with our spiritual formation group this past Sunday evening. 7 adults present...all illustrating God-stories of how we met them and how God drew them to our team. As the gathering progressed, I punted what I had planned as a Bible study/discussion and the Holy Spirit led us through a time of discussion around the purpose and methods of church planting, missional group activity, and how we can help each other be better missionaries in our own personal environments. Really, to God's glory, one of the best small group meetings I've been a part of!
I should share a bit of context on God's school of church planting- tailored to Andy Wirt. I've been battling frustration and periodic discouragement over why our group isn't growing faster and why people aren't responding to the many invitations to check out our group that we and our fellow groupies have handed out. That's a whole other discussion. BUT, as I sensed God moving in our meeting Sunday night and I realized that the people God HAS given us really want to make a difference for Jesus- THEY ARE LIVING ON MISSION- I was energized by a sense of thankfulness to God and hopefulness with what our all-powerful God can do with 7 missional people. It's like God set up a neon sign with bold letters screwed to my thick skull that said
So, can God build a healthy, vibrant, reproducing church around 7 people? Yes. Because nothing is impossible for Him (Luke 1:37). Because even where a few are gathered in His name to do His work...Jesus is there with them (Matthew 18:20). And, because God cares about the prayers of 2 or 3 or 7 and promises (Matthew 18:19) that
...if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my father in heaven.... God doesn't promise to tell me when it will be done or how it will be done or allow me to SEE it being done...but He does promise to answer the prayers of people who meet together to seek Him and accomplish His assignments.
God, here we are. Send us. God changed the world through His 12 disciples, surely He can build a church from 7.