Thursday, January 04, 2007


Wow... God has moved in an amazing way! God brought a unique buyer at this time of year and in this (slow!) real estate market and sold our home at a fair price! We rejoice and are so moved that God chose to answer this prayer request in His perfect timing. Many of you have prayed with us that our home would sell by the end of 2006...and God did it pretty close to that! This removes a huge obstacle to us getting started with the work God has called us to! This is truly a miracle. Please thank God with us.

Pray with us also that God would continue to lead and provide by guiding us to our next home. Pray that He would lead us to a home that 1) we can afford and 2) will provide maximum community ministry possibilities. Our home in northeastern Franklin county will be the center of operations and entertaining to get a new church off the ground-- the right location is essential. We'd appreciate your continued prayers as we make the necessary adjustments to moving our family and all the fun (?) and work ahead! Thanks for your faithful work with us through prayer!


Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME! One less thing to have on your mind. God is good! Happy New Year!!

Andy Wirt said...

Thanks, guys! Blessings- Andy

Anonymous said...

Andy praise God... many will be rejoicing for the wonderous works of our God and for you family. All things are possible!! May God continue to bless you richly and may your journey be fruitful. It just begun my friend... we will continue to pray ...

blessings to you all. vat ; )