Tuesday, January 30, 2007
We're So Privileged To Be Associated With Two Great Churches!
On Saturday morning, over 20 people showed up to help us pack our first load and clean our house. The Northfield Police department stopped on more than one occasion to make sure emergency vehicles could get through the street because there were so many cars parked near our house. He remarked that he had never seen a move where so many showed up to help. We filled a truck in less than an hour...even though it all had to be carried down our nightmare driveway in snowy conditions! Several ladies cleaned our house. What some told me couldn't be done in less than 2-3 hours took an hour! Praise God.
In Columbus almost 10 people unloaded the first load in less than an hour and I actually made it back to Cleveland to get the second load an hour before I projected. Almost 10 people came out on a cold Saturday night to help me load the last of our stuff, including my sons' HEAVY swing set tower. Again, the truck was packed and the garage swept clean in less than an hour. Sunday afternoon, three men from Northwest Chapel came back again and we unloaded the last truck load into the storage shelter in less than a half hour. Praise God!
I'm so thankful that on this busy weekend, one where so much could have gone wrong, that God brought people and people so willingly served. God-thanks for working through your people to show us grace in this time of need. It helps me continue to learn the kind of help and service and love I want to offer others in their time of need-- especially when they can't do it on their own.
Monday, January 29, 2007
A Family Room Without A Family Is Just a Room
I’ve just packed up the last remnants of 82 Lowrie Blvd.— the home where we’ve painstakingly redecorated and landscaped, expanded our family, entertained hundreds of guests, hosted countless small groups, enjoyed our neighbors, made life-altering decisions, and just enjoyed living. With Trish’s natural giftedness in decorating and my hard work, we turned a beat-up house with an extreme sloped driveway and yard into a home that we loved and struggled to leave and sell.
As I slept in the empty house alone (Trish is watching the boys at her parents’ home as I pack/drive/unload in Columbus) last night (after filling a second Penske truck to take to a Columbus storage facility), I thought of all the birthday parties, small group events, sick kids, hard work in painting, tiling, landscaping, wrestling and fun play times, laughter, tears, and good and difficult conversations that have filled this house in 3.5 years. I will miss it. I’ll be honest (even though it doesn’t sound very spiritual)—I have come to love this place.
I will miss the space it provided for entertaining and playing. I will miss the satisfaction Trish and I feel when we think of what we have made this house to be. I will miss hearing Seth comment on how nice our house is and how much he enjoys living here. I will miss the trees in the backyard and watching them change through the seasons. I’ll miss our neighbors—all of whom we’ve ministered to and some who have become good friends.
It’s hard to leave. When I think of it, my heart is empty, heavy, and sad.
As I ponder the feelings and thoughts of my heart, my thoughts turn in many directions:
- Even though I’m sad to leave this place…this isn’t home. I love this house…but when my family is no longer there, it’s no longer home. I’ll miss this place…but it is just sticks and blocks. We may always miss this place, but Trish and I can make another building home. I’d rather be somewhere else, as long as we’re together and on the mission God has given us.
- We’ve spent so much time and money to make this house what we wanted it to be—all to enjoy it for a relatively short amount of time and barely cover our down payment when we sold it. Was it worth it? I don’t know how to answer that question. Maybe it is a question better left unanswered. But, just by asking it…I’m so thankful that God has led us to a home in our target area that doesn’t need much work. We always seek to be Kingdom focused with our lives, but by selling 82 Lowrie Blvd., I’m more determined than ever to make growing with Jesus, raising our family and building our new church my main life priorities.
- Why are we doing this? Why are we giving up a home we love? Why are we moving from an area where we have felt connected, supported, loved, have made good friends, and have had a fruitful ministry? As I’ve struggled through the emotions of moving and watched my family do the same, a resolve has grown even stronger in my heart. I’ve been reminded of God’s unmistakable calling on our lives—Go in faith, begin a new church, work in northeastern Franklin County. Feelings of sadness and fear have shaped even more a vision and passion for the new ministry that God has called us to. I’m praying:
- God, thanks so much for Northwest Chapel who is paying our moving expenses and for Grace Church (Macedonia) and Northwest Chapel who have provided incredible help to load and unload trucks. Thanks for Trish’s parents who are allowing us to live with them until we can get into our house.
- God, please help us adjust to a new home, new places, new people, and lead Seth and Trish and I to new friends and a supportive network.
- God help us know how to get started. Help us lay a good foundation for a healthy church. Help us…even in our first interactions with people in Columbus to attract people to Your Truth and a relationship with you. Help us to know how to look at this move as a new opportunity to become missionaries in northeastern Franklin County.
- God, help us to always focus on each other and ministry more than stuff. Help us to maximize our time with eternal priorities and limit our commitments to earthly distractions.
- God, please give us 20 years somewhere. We’ve moved so much in our 10 years of marriage—help us establish ourselves, give us the privilege of putting down roots and raising our kids in a stable environment, and use us to build a healthy, reproducing, disciple-making church in the New Albany area.
- God, please teach us what you want to teach us. Use us in the lives of people. Bring people to Christ directly and indirectly through us. Change us in the ways you need to make us more like what you want us to be. Help us not lose sight of why we are making these changes and the vision and calling that you have placed in our hearts.
- God, thanks so much for Northwest Chapel who is paying our moving expenses and for Grace Church (Macedonia) and Northwest Chapel who have provided incredible help to load and unload trucks. Thanks for Trish’s parents who are allowing us to live with them until we can get into our house.
So, as I say goodbye to a house and a place and process all the emotions that brings… the words of Paul (who was much more accustomed to change and sacrifice than I ever will be) ring in my ear… I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven (Philippians 3:13b-14).
God help us look back in 20 years to this move as a time where we were obedient (even in the face of difficult decisions, changes, financial sacrifices) and where we followed you to a calling where you worked to build YOUR Kingdom and one of YOUR churches for YOUR glory.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
God Answers Again!

Today we learned that our offer and negotiations on a beautiful little home were accepted! Praise God! Ironically, we had almost skipped over this gem of a house because it seemed too small on paper. But, on a last minute change of plans, we drove by it with our realtor and knew the minute we saw the house that this was it. In God's amazing work- he led us to a house that turned out to be one of our favorites (out of the 25 or so houses we have looked at in the last 3 weeks) even though it is one of the cheapest homes available in the school district we want to live in. What's more- this home is in an ideal location. It is in the New Albany school district, has a Gahanna zip code, a Columbus address, and is a stones throw from Westerville school district. All that to say- we will be located near shopping and neighborhoods that are centered in all three of the communities we want to reach (New Albany, northern Gahanna, and eastern Westerville). God is good and continues to show us that despite the challenges of packing, moving, storing stuff temporarily, and moving again-- that He has a plan and He is working it to His perfection in His timing. Will you celebrate God with us (Psalm 145)? THANKS!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
We have feelers out in a bunch of different directions for a place to stay until we can secure a house. We've rented a storage unit in Columbus and a truck for 1/27. We'll be looking for people to help us pack in Cleveland and our sending church (Northwest Chapel) is working on people to help us unload in Columbus. Exactly where we'll be sleeping is undecided! Please pray with us that God will provide an adequate place to stay. Our desire would be to get to Columbus and get working as soon as possible. We feel that this is the reason behind our circumstances-- God is pushing us out of our safe nest in Cleveland and pushing us to get to Columbus and begin working to build a new church. God has already come through in such amazing ways...we're confident He is walking with us through this new challenge and will lead, strengthen, and provide.
Also...we were house hunting yet again in Columbus today. This is our third trip to Columbus in 2 weeks (5 hour, round-trip, drive). We feel like God is leading us and giving wisdom. It has been a challenge to find something suitable in our price-range. But, there is promise...and today we made an offer on a home that we're excited about. It is small, but beautiful, in a GREAT location, and solidly in our (adjusted :) price range. Pray with us that God will lead us to the right purchase and block us from the wrong one.
Monday, January 08, 2007
We're House Hunting On 1/9!
Silas Is Improving!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Wirt Prayer Update, January '07
Since our last update, God has:
• Worked through a friend to donate an almost new computer to our ministry! This is a huge answer to prayer and the first essential piece to gathering the equipment we will need to function effectively.
• Raised almost $8,300 in financial donations to our new church before it even has a name or place! This will help us greatly as seed money for additional equipment, facility rental, community outreach, marketing and personal support that we will be raising in 2007. It is amazing that God has provided these gifts even before we begin formal fundraising efforts.

• Raised up almost 230 people to pray with us for God to work through us to change lives in northeastern Franklin County.
Would you take a moment to praise God with us? We would love it if you would take a few minutes to read Psalm 145 and meditate on (His) majestic, glorious splendor and (His) wonderful miracles (vs.5) with us!
Also, here's how to pray and praise with us in January.
• That God would lead us to the RIGHT home in our target area 1) that would afford us ministry opportunities AND 2) that we can afford.
• That God would give guidance and wisdom as we continue to dream and record the vision, mission, values, and strategy of a new church.
• That God would help our family through the transitions we are facing.
• That God would prepare and lead us to those that will join us as Launch Team members and help with worship, children, and small group ministries.
• That God would prepare hearts of people that we will come in contact with. Pray that hearts would be focused on Jesus and His plan.
• That God would provide needed personal and ministry resources. If God prompts you, contact Andy for more specific information.
(We) will proclaim (His) greatness...
Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! His greatness is beyond discovery! Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts. I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness. Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will sing with joy of your righteousness. The LORD is kind and merciful, slow to get angry, full of unfailing love. The LORD is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. All of your works will thank you, LORD, and your faithful followers will bless you. They will talk together about the glory of your kingdom; they will celebrate examples of your power. They will tell about your mighty deeds and about the majesty and glory of your reign.
Psalm 145:3-12 (NLT)
Happy New Year!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Pray with us also that God would continue to lead and provide by guiding us to our next home. Pray that He would lead us to a home that 1) we can afford and 2) will provide maximum community ministry possibilities. Our home in northeastern Franklin county will be the center of operations and entertaining to get a new church off the ground-- the right location is essential. We'd appreciate your continued prayers as we make the necessary adjustments to moving our family and all the fun (?) and work ahead! Thanks for your faithful work with us through prayer!
God Is Providing!
If God is leading you to contribute, make any gift out to “Northwest Chapel” and send it to:
Pastor Martin Guerena
Northwest Chapel
PO Box 1234
Dublin, OH 43017-6234
As you send a check to the above address, please be sure to put “NEFC CHURCH PLANT/WIRT SUPPORT” in the “memo” line. Any gift made out to “Northwest Chapel” will be tax-deductible and they will send you a receipt for tax purposes.