- Many guests from the community on Grand Opening Sunday have returned. We have had a really, really high return rate. It is hard to gauge accurately, because with so much sickness going around, some people that are planning on coming back have missed the last few weeks due to sickness. But, even so, attendance numbers are running about double our regular attendance before Grand Opening. Praise God!
- Also, Trish and I hosted a get together this past Sunday evening for those new to ClearView.
We enjoyed having almost 40 people in our house. This was a real fun time of getting to know new people, seeing those present enjoying making new connections, and for me to share with our guests the real heart of ClearView- a bit about the vision and values that drive ClearView.
- Several new people are already asking how to get more involved and sharing excitement about helping ClearView move forward.
- We've been doing a series (running in October and November) called Crazy Love: How God's Love Gives Our Lives Purpose. I have enjoyed studying for this series and am using it as kind of a base line to establish our foundation together (as a group of people that is primarily new) on the Good News of Jesus and how God calls us to share His love with others (mission).
My hope is that this series seeds Jesus' key DNA (love) into us and stirs us to share it with others.
Thanks for praying with us!