Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blessings To My Heart

As much as I try not to allow them to, sometimes the challenges of our work seem overwhelming. It is easy to allow yourself to get discouraged. I counter this by reading and re-reading God's words to a young leader named Joshua (Joshua 1:1-9). God's expectations are clear- move forward with faith in the work HE is doing. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (1:9, ESV). So, I often find myself asking God to forgive my lack of faith and fortify my heart with His perspective.

Sometimes I also ask for signs of His movement. Probably a bit foolish...because He is moving whether or not He chooses to allow me to see. But, I long to see evidence of His blessing and presence with us. Faith us defined by moving forward with trust even if you CAN'T see...but I still like to see! :) So, this past Saturday I spent much time in prayer just asking God for evidence of His work on Sunday. I just wanted to SEE something happening.

Sunday came and there was much to praise the Lord about! Again- God is good whether or not He chooses to show His work to me...but I like to see! Here is what I saw Sunday:
  • A full room at ClearView...even though it is summer and many are traveling.
  • A "Yes" from a couple I have been recruiting to join our team. They will be a BIG help to our effort to prepare for Grand Opening in October.
  • A good response to our July series: God and Country. I challenged our people on Sunday to envision themselves...the the greatest hope for real change in America. Our people were/are energized by this challenge.
  • A friend mentioned praying about a sizable donation to ClearView. This would move us forward in launch planning and maybe even be seed money for future church plants. Exciting. Pray they say "Yes!" :)
God is good all the time... and I'm thankful to SEE His good work when He sees fit. Praise God!

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