Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Today... you can pray for...

Some big things for us this week:
  • Pray for Sara. She has had some digestive issues. Pray for healing and that we would know the best way to help her.
  • Pray for me tomorrow a.m. We've been looking at sources for some bi-vocational income (to help with shortfalls now but also planning well for the future). Our criteria has been a job that allows me to be home on evenings and weekends, allows sufficient time for ministry, pays decent, and allows me to make contacts for ministry. After searching and praying a bit...we decided that I would look into driving a school bus. So, after almost 40 hours of classes and training (even though I already have a CDL from driving Operation Barnabas busses!), I'm testing tomorrow to be certified as a school bus driver. You would never imagine how much book work and skills are involved in this sort of a test- I didn't. So, I'd appreciate your prayers tomorrow a.m. that God would give me recall and skill as I'm examined.
  • Pray for upcoming outreach/contact making initiatives. This Friday evening, we're giving out free water at the Gahanna/New Albany Relay For Life. Next week we'll be involved in a parade and festival in New Albany. We'll be trying out some new marketing pieces to find teammates and advertise ClearView. Please pray that we'll impact many people's lives for Jesus AND find teammates!

1 comment:

Terry White said...

So.....did you pass?