Friday, April 18, 2008

Important Interactions This Weekend

Please pray for the following this weekend (April 18...):
  • Tonight we're hosting a family for dinner that we want to connect with relationally and do "the big ask"-- ask them about joining our launch team. Pray that our hearts would be connected around friendship and there would be a sense of desiring mission together.
  • Tomorrow is Seth's second soccer game this spring. Pray for good connections with families on the soccer field.
  • Sunday is our weekly worship gathering. Pray that someone unexpected would come and/or that someone would respond to the door hangers I have been hanging this week.
  • Sunday night we are meeting (for the first time) a family I've been talking to about joining our team. The husband of this couple is interested in pursuing full-time ministry with an emphasis in leading worship. This could be enormous for ClearView if God is leading in this way. Pray for relational connection, a sense of shared mission, and wisdom from God on how to proceed.
I live every day with the realization that God could significantly boost our movement with a few "small" miracles. I know that your prayers are a part of these miracles becoming reality.

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