For those of you who follow our church development work and pray for us-- the interesting thing about this story is that I only met Jay, briefly, one-time. In the picture below, Jay is sitting to my right. This was taken on Friday evening, July 24. ClearView hosted a Family Fun Night in Gahanna and Jay, his wife, Michelle, and their two children, joined us for the event. We met there and enjoyed a good connection.
Then, Jay passed away about a week later. As Michelle was making funeral arrangements, she thought of ClearView and the funeral director called me this past Sunday evening and asked me to do the service. Of course, I agreed. We celebrate Jay's life today (Weds., 8/5) at 1p.
Would you pray with me for Michelle, her children, Jay's son, and their families? These good people are hurting and need our prayers for God's peace, comfort, and direction at this time. Please pray for me as I officiate the service. I want to be a visible presence of God's love and grace during this time of deep loss. Also, would you pray that ClearView would be able to wrap our arms around this family in the days ahead and show Jesus' love in a real way.