I felt God gave me an idea. For lack of a better title, I've dubbed the fruition of this idea as "Super Saturdays". The vision is to keep our contact making, team building, and desire to love people to a
clear view of Jesus moving forward by inviting our team (and everyone we know) to join us in some type of a ministry in the community on Saturday mornings (at least one time per month). Our first Super Saturday was February 23rd (this past weekend). Since no one else could make it and Trish was a busy keeping Silas busy... Seth and I made the most of our slotted ministry time.
Together, we assembled about 60 "Beat the Winter Blahs" packets (that included some ClearView info., 2 packets of hot chocolate, and 2 "fireballs"). Since I needed to tote Seth (and all that he entails- drink, Goldfish, some toys) AND a box of handouts, we decided to pack up Seth's wagon and get to as many doors in our neighborhood as we could. This would also be an opportunity to touch base with neighbors we haven't seen since warmer weather and meet some new ones.

We had a great time. God gave us some good conversations with people and our packets put some smiles on people's faces. Maybe there were even some good seeds planted. Only the Holy Spirit knows. But, what I do know was great was my time with Seth. I was amazed at his willingness to help me assemble and his patience as we endured the cold and trudged through icy sidewalks. My heart was warmed as we discussed why we were doing what we were doing (showing love to people in Jesus' name) and why we were working to start a church. Seth even said that he wants to plant a church some day and do some of the same things that we're doing now.
It was then that I realized it didn't matter how many people we met or how many great conversations we had or how many people did (or didn't) show up to help us... what mattered was my five year old gaining a heart for sharing the love and hope of Jesus with people. I don't know what God has in store for the Wirts or ClearView...but if our boy learns to love Jesus and people through this experience of church planting...it's worth it. I'm so thankful to the Lord for this experience and the opportunity we have to work together as a family to accomplish the calling God has placed on our lives.
Praise God!