I'd appreciate your prayers this weekend (July 29) as I preach at Community of Hope GBC in Columbia City, IN. My good friend and mentor, Dan Gregory, provided this opportunity. Its been a long time since I've preached...so I'm shaking the rust off and really enjoying the prep. this week. I was unusually discouraged this past weekend and really sought God on some things. Through this time, and considering the theme Dan asked me to preach on (power/passion of prayer), God led me to Acts 4:23-32. It has been great to develop the theme of this passage- a prayer for boldness for mission. EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED RIGHT NOW... along with a solid dose of prayer with our team and trust in God's sovereignty and PERFECT timing.
So, please pray for preparation, for effective communication, and that I would apply what God is teaching me FIRST and then be able to encourage and challenge others from the Word.
Trish and I are looking forward to briefly attending the FGBC's Equip conference this weekend and early next week in Winona Lake, IN. We'll travel out Saturday and come back Tuesday a.m. Hopefully we'll be able to connect with some friends and make some good ministry contacts.
Thanks for praying with us!