It is amazing to me how God works and can tie people together through common associations almost too bizarre to be true.
Several weeks ago, I was "renting" office space at Panera Bread (I bye a drink and work there for a few hours to get out and be around people...looking for contact making opportunities). While there, I drink a lot of their excellent sweet Green Tea. On my 43rd trip to the men's room, I walked by a man reading biblical Hebrew. On my way back by this gentlemen, I stopped and asked him about what he was reading. I admitted my poor Hebrew (I hope Drs. Abegg and Davis aren't reading this!)...but nonetheless, we had a fascinating conversation.
As we talked, I discovered that Daniel is Jewish and attends a local synagogue. We were surprised to discover that we shared a common association with someone who used to be on staff with Grace Brethren International Missions. Daniel had not seen this person in 20 years (a childhood friend of his), so I promised to track down this person and asked Daniel if it would be OK if I got them in touch. Through sharing this information, Daniel and I e-mailed back and forth a few times and I asked him to lunch.
Today we were finally able to get together again. I was truly challenged and inspired by our conversation. I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I've ever truly sat down across the table from a Jewish person and really tried to understand what they believe, what they don't believe, and why they don't believe Jesus was/is the Messiah. I learned a lot from Daniel...none-the-least being how much more I need to understand to be able to articulate why I believe what I believe about Jesus to a Jewish person.
Amazingly, as we talked...we had more common associations. Daniel had been to several Grace Brethren Churches- one being Bowling Green while Ron Boehm (from our former church in Macedonia, OH) was pastor. He also knows a cousin of mine here in the Columbus area. So interesting.
We also shared a connection around life goals. Daniel is an attorney turned financial advisor who owns his own business. He truly desires to help his clients find genuine meaning and fulfillment in life. I asked him to help me understand the mindset of a rich person in our area (this is one of the most affluent communities in OH). What I learned from this man who advises many wealthy people in this area is the confirmation that money doesn't bring fulfillment. Daniel shared a story about two doctors (married) who make over $600,000 per year and can't pay their bills. His summary statement to me (a blessing!) was,
"You will do well here...people need what you are offering."Would you pray with me on two fronts:
- Pray for Daniel. He is truly a kind, good-hearted man. I don't know exactly where He is at with Jesus. We obviously believe different when it comes to John 14:6 and Colossians 1:15-23. Pray that Jehovah would meet him in his passion for the OT and show him truth about the authenticity of Jesus as Lord in the NT. Pray our relationship would continue and grow.
- Pray that God would show us how to communicate the hope of Jesus to those with much material wealth. The work will not be easy...Scripture makes that clear. But, with God, all things are possible.