Time To Get To WorkSince our last update, we've moved to Columbus, unpacked all of our boxes, set-up our home and what will be our church office (in our basement), worked through MORE sickness with Silas, and faced all the natural adjustments that come with moving and its challenges, stress-ors and emotions.

God has a sense of humor, I'm convinced. Columbus dealt with its worst snow and ice storm in several years on the day we picked to move. Special thanks to our supervisor from Northwest Chapel, Pastor Martin Guerena and his brother, Phil, for braving the elements with me (left) to move items into our house. Thanks also to David, Dan, and Jim for helping us get the rest of our stuff a few days later. We're glad to be "home".
More importantly, however, we've begun "contact making" in full-force. This will be the most important and time-consuming part of our work for years to come--meeting, connecting, and building relationships with unchurched people with the hope of loving them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Shoveling snow and ice created opportunities to initiate greetings and conversations with all of our direct neighbors (6 different families). Other highlights include:
- Trish making contact with high-school classmates and associations that could lead to friendships for us and our kids or possible launch team members. In one God-appointed-opportunity, a woman came up to Trish in a Panera Bread store and said, "I think I know you..." She's the mother of a high-school classmate that Trish hasn't seen in 16 years.
- An encounter with Mark in a Graeter's Ice Cream store. First- I'm (Andy) so thankful that ice-cream can be a tool for building God's Kingdom. That helps soften the challenges of church planting! Anyway- after a conversation, Mark and I connected around the fact that he had recently moved to our community from Dublin and is a member at Northwest Chapel! He expressed interest in our work. Could this be our first teammate? Pray...
- A possible coaching opportunity in the New Albany recreation league. Our moving date put us just beyond the sign-up deadline, but after inquiring I learned there is still a need for coaches. I'm praying this opportunity will open up.
- Trish attending a one-week training class on church planting. While watching our kids, I participated with 15 women and 25 kids in a "baby lap-time" story/play time at our local library. Not necessarily something I want to do every week...but a great opportunity!
Please Pray With Us...
- To thank God for our home, the snags that He worked out to get us into it, and the help He provided in moving and unpacking.
- To thank God for His movement in the contacts and conversations He has ordained thus far. Please pray for additional interactions with neighbors, contacts at the YMCA, New Albany library book club and classes for kids. Pray that we would display the kindness and love of Jesus and lay a foundation for redemptive relationships.
- That Andy would be able to get a soccer coaching assignment in New Albany to build relationships with families.
- That God would lead us to teammates He'll provide to help us launch a new church.
- For wisdom as we complete the vision, strategy, and financial support structures of our new church by the end of March. You'll be some of the first to see how God leads!
How Would Jesus Start A Church?This is a question I've contemplated much during my times with God. I've been working my way through Matthew, fascinated anew with Jesus' interactions with people and His disciples. As I constantly feel I'm on the outer edge of my faith and am woefully inadequate for the work God has given me, there is something peaceful and comforting in studying how profoundly simple Jesus' approach to ministry was. I notice that He was about at least 4 things: loving sinners (Matt.9:9-12, 11:19), healing everyone that came to Him (4:24, 8:16-17), teaching truth in creative ways (13:34-35), and making disciples (4:18-22, 10). I'm SO excited about the privilege of building the foundation of a new church. It is a large but AWESOME responsibility to build an organism that will follow Jesus' model by finding, loving, and healing those who need hope, teaching creatively, and measuring results by reproduction of mature believers and churches. By God's grace and discerning how to practice Jesus' methods in 2007, we will see the Kingdom of Heaven "forcefully" advance (Matt.11:12)!
Silas Turns 1!
It is amazing how much can happen in one year. We mark much by the birth of our little guy. Last March we began a journey that culminated in the last few weeks of searching for and discovering a new calling of God on our lives, welcoming Silas into the world and enjoying him despite his many and consistent (minor) health issues, and moving to Columbus for a new leg in the journey of our family and ministry. How thankful we are for Silas (and Seth!) and the marker that his birthday will always be of God's great faithfulness and movement in our lives.